Drug crimes such as possession, delivery, drug use, transport or manufacture, intent to sell, trafficking, or possession with intent to deliver, require an experienced attorney. We obtained top results for hundreds and can save you from  adverse consequences of a conviction and avoid harsh penalties.

It is alarming that even if someone else accidentally drops one of their prescription pills in your  car that the driver can still be charged with possession. Equally alarming is how little it takes for a drug offense to become a felony. Just a few analogues or class D medications, possessed without a prescription, can be charged as a felony.  In 2020, we are seeing more and more arrests due to drug intoxication as opposed to being alcohol related. Before the arrest, the driver has the choice of agreeing to a blood draw or loss of license for one year. Even as little as one dosage in the blood and the charge can stand.  An experienced criminal defense attorney can get these charges dismissed, taken under advisement or the record sealed – so background checks will not show the conviction. An aggressive criminal defense lawyer can suppress evidence, and can raise reasonable doubt with tactics of lack of intent and lack of evidence.


We have successfully defended marijuana cases often resulting in dismissal and no criminal record.

Consequences of conviction of marijuana offenses involved jail, prison, probation, testing, fines, costs, oversight fees.

Additional penalties include driver’s license suspension, record conviction abstract, vehicle forfeiture, property forfeiture, driver responsibility fees.

Don’t get a drug conviction.

Call us at 845-842-7758.